
    摘要仿鱼驱动技术的研究是当前一个新兴的热点,是未来先进水下机器人和水下潜器驱动方式的重要发展趋势。相比较传统的螺旋桨推进器,模拟鱼类游动的水下仿生推进器, 有着低噪音、低扰动、高效率等突出的优点。仿生推进器内部运动和动力的传动方式, 就是决定仿生推进器各个性能的重要因素。51595



    毕业论文关键词:内摆线转化机构  仿生机器鱼  运动分析  动力分析

    Abstract The research of imitation fish propulsion technology is a current emerging hot spot.And is the important development trend of the underwarter vehicle and the advanced underwarter robot in the future.Underwater biomimetic propulsor that simulated fish swimming has some prominent advantages such as low disturbance, high efficiency, low noise and so on.The internal movement and power transmission mode of biomimetic propulsor is the most important factors to decide biomimetic propulsor’s each  performance.

    In this paper,we compare and analyse the characteristics of crank-link mechanism,parallel arm mechanism,EccEccentric rod mechanism and some  typical motion transformation mechanisms. Summing up All the performance parameters of the domestic and foreign typical biomimetic fish robots.Determine Preliminary transmission black cartridge which is suitable for the underwater biomimetic.Apply symmetrical properties of cycloid agencies adequately.Combined with the connecting rod and sliding block,design a set of the thransformed mechanism in reciprocating linear hypocycloid.This institution can make rotary motion output by drive element turn to tail fin’s translation ——swing,which is coupled motion.

    We use solidworks to modeling motion transformation mechanism, reaching the tail movements locus equationa and getting dynamics and kinematics analysis on this Motion transformation mechanism.In the last,we do the motion analysis with solidworks,getting motion simulation curve of the fishtailand analyse the curve.

    Key words:hypocycloid transformation mechanism;imitation fish robot; dynamics and kinematics analysis

     目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  论文的研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究与发展状况 1

    1.2.1  国外研究与发展概况 1

    1.2.2  国内研究与发展概况 5

    1.3  研究的内容及主要工作 6

    1.4  本章小结 6

    第二章  常用的运动转换机构 7

    2.1 典型的运动转换机构分析 7

    2.1.1 曲柄滑块机构 7

    2.1.2  偏心轮机构 8

    2.1.3  齿轮齿条机构 10

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