


    无论何种形式的手术显微镜,均包括光学显微镜系统、照明系统、安装系统和调节系统四部分。本文主要对调节系统中的X-Y移动系统进行设计,一般通过脚踏开关控制,使显微镜做前后左右移动,保持显微镜镜身在手术视野中心,水平X-Y移动装置则可将显微镜精确定位于所需要的位置 。X-Y 平面移动器这种自动化的功能都极大的方便了手术的进行,定位准确而且操作方便。


    毕业论文关键词:手术显微镜; X-Y移动;调节装置

    Abstract The level of modernization level of continued progress and development of medical, ophthalmic surgery has entered the era of micro-surgery. Surgical microscope is mainly used for micro-surgery, the doctor some special operation, the human eye can not directly observe some subtle lesions must be by means microsurgical microscope, in certain cases, the resolution can be enlarged complete surgery . Currently, surgical microscope has become a more conventional medical devices.

    When requested to do eye surgery under the microscope have some room for maneuver, while broad vision, so that doctors can operate under a microscope for precision. At the same time, requiring XY mover can move smoothly, the support arm and the surgery can be more efficient to move to the exact location of surgery, doctors convenient for ophthalmic surgery.

    No matter what form of surgical microscope, includes an optical microscope system, lighting system, install the system and regulation systems in four parts. This paper focuses on the aspect regulating system mobile system - (XY Mobile Systems) for the design, usually controlled by a foot switch, so that the microscope do move around, to keep the body in the operative field microscope lens center, the mobile device can be horizontal XY microscope precise definition in the desired position. XY plane mover such automated features greatly facilitate the conduct of the operation, accurate positioning and easy operation.

    For the XY horizontal mover design, this article introduces the drive screw mechanism and linear guide mechanism and the motor selection.

    Keywords: Surgical microscope; X-Y movement; Regulating device

    目 录

    第一章  绪论-1

      §1.1 背景及其意义1

      §1.2 国内外研究概况1

      §1.3 主要研究内容3

    第二章  移动器总体方案的确定-5

      §2.1 导轨的选取5

      §2.2 电机的选取7

      §2.3 机构的选取9

    第三章  装置的设计计算 -13

      §3.1 负载装置设计13

      §3.2 调节装置设计13

      §3.3 传动装置设计17

      §3.4 复位限位功能设计20

      §3.5  零件结构设计的工艺性21

    第四章  机械制图软件应用22

      §4.1 涉及软件的应用-23

      §4.2 在毕业设计中的应用-24



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