

        传统建模方法需重复建模,工作量大,效率低,浪费人力财力物力。阀门产品的设计具有零部件种类多,结构复杂,系列化程度高,标准件占总体比重大,计算任务繁重,产品数据管理困难等特点。为了提高阀门的设计质量和设计效率 ,就需要对阀门进行参数化设计。本次设计的主要工作包括:确定直通式截止阀的结构形式、得出主体结构尺寸、并确定主要零部件的结构尺寸、利用尺寸驱动的方式对阀门进行参数化、最后,对各部件进行装配,进行配置。然后再对主要零部件进行强度验算和校核。本次设计的重点是参数化,在一个定义完整的模型的基础上,通过调用尺寸设置功能赋予新的尺寸即可完成新模型的建立,特点是效率高,编程难度小。


    Abstract Valve is our national economic departments indispensable fluid device ,it is also one of the petrochemical industry in the pipeline, an important component of the device components.More types of valves, specifications are different, but their different functions and opening and closing parts of the differences, we can be pided into the valve closing valves, check valves, pressure reducing valves, throttle valves, ball valves, plug valves, butterfly valves , diaphragm valves, steam traps, valves, safety valves, etc.The graduation project have to do is bronze female straight-through valve design parameters.

         Traditional modeling methods need to repeat the modeling, heavy workload, low efficiency, waste of human and financial resources.Valve product has been designed with many kinds of parts, complex structure, high degree of serialization, standard parts and the overall proportion, heavy computing tasks, product data management difficulties and so on.In order to improve the quality and design of the valve design efficiency, it is necessary to parameterize the valve design.The design of the main tasks include: determining the structure of straight-through valve forms, draw the main structure, size, and determine the size of the main parts of the structure, the use of dimension-driven approach to parameterize the valve and, finally, the various components are assembled , configuration.And then checking the strength of the main components and check. The design focus is parameterized in a complete model defined on the basis of size is set by calling the function given new dimensions to complete the establishment of the new model, is characterized by high efficiency, small programming difficulty.

    Keyword: Internal thread straight-through cut-off valve; Valve body; strength checking; structural design; checking; parameters.


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究青铜内螺纹直通式截止阀的目的和意义 1

    1.1.1研究的目的 1

    1.1.2研究的意义 1

    1.2 内螺纹直通式截止阀的研究现状与发展 2

    1.2.1我国阀门行业的现状 2

    1.2.2国内外阀门行业及参数化发展趋势 2

    1.3 内螺纹直通式截止阀优缺点

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