

    随着拖线阵朝着越来越长的方向发展, 其在收放过程中被损坏的危险也越来越大。 因此有必要在收放装置上采取保护拖线阵的措施。收放拖缆通常是靠控制绞车自动完成的。同时因为缆绳、拖线阵、尾绳直径不同,此次设计的拖线阵拖曳阵绞车采用液压绞车与变节距排缆机构,具有柔性排缆、结构紧凑、功率重量比高、驱动力矩大、起动平稳、调速方便、精确度高、使用安全可靠等一系列优点。根据要求进行结构的计算与校核,并使用SolidWorks绘制绞车及排缆机构的三维模型。


    Abstract Chinese navy's weak is not nothing new, Diaoyu Island incident is more to the Navy pushed to the sharp wind waves mouth, Chinese naval Why inferior to other countries? A very important reason is that the submarine detection and anti-detection capabilities too weak. To change the status quo, we must develop advanced towed line array sonar and towed sonar winch.

    With the development of the towed line array in the increasingly long direction retractable risk of damage is also growing. So it is necessary to take measures to protect the towed line array retractable device. Retractable streamer is usually done automatically by controlling the winch. Cables, towed line array, the tail rope diameter, the design of the towed line array towed array winch hydraulic winch with variable pitch row cable institutions with flexible row cable, compact, power-to-weight ratio, drive torque, starting a smooth, convenient speed, high accuracy, the use of safe and reliable series of advantages. According to the requirements of the structure calculation and checking, and to using SolidWorks draw three-dimensional model of the winch and exhaust cable institutions.

    Keywords: towed line array, hydraulic winch, variable pitch, row cable institutions, three-dimensional modeling.


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1    研究背景 1

    1.2    研究内容及意义 1

    1.3    拖曳绞车结构及性能介绍 2

    1.3.1  绞车的发展 2

    1.3.2  绞车的构成 3

    1.3.3  拖曳绞车的类型 4

    第二章   主驱动部分的计算 6

    2.1   容绳量计算 6

    2. 2   载荷计算 7

    2. 3   液压马达的选取 8

    2. 3.1  定义及用途 8

    2. 3.2  马达分类 8

    2. 3.3  液压马达的参数计算 9

    2. 4   传动机构的选取 10

    2. 4.1  减速器的简介 10

    2. 4.2  减速器的分类 11

    2. 4.3  减速器参数计算 11

    2. 5    制动器的选用 11

    2. 5.1  制动器简介 11

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