


    Abstract With the continuously expansion of sericulture, the number of sericultural farmers is increasing. According to agronomic requirement of sericulture, young silkworm needs to take in chopped mulberry. The quality of chopped mulberry has a direct influence on the mulberry intake and silkworm’s development, so sericultural farmers raise increasingly high requirement on the mulberry cutting machines. The scarce kinds of existing mulberry cutting machines, various sizes of the chopped mulberry leaves, low freshness and nutritional value have make the design of mulberry cutting machines becomes very necessary. Aimed at the cutting methods, cutting tools’ structure, major components’ structural parameters and some other key technologies, this research will design the roller knife type mulberry cutting machine. The prototype should be characterized by the consistent size of chopped mulberry leaves and no damage to the mulberry leaves’ nutrition. This kind mulberry cutting machine will replace the cutting methods by hand primitively, solve the problem that the scarcity of professional mulberry cutting machines and improve the benefit on sericulture. On the account of high productive, fresh chopped mulberry leaves and the low cost manufacturing, this machine will meet the requirement of the large-scale sericulture.

    Keywords: roller knife; mulberry cutting machine; mulberry leaf


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.2 课题的目的和意义 1

    1.3 文本研究的内容 2

    第二章 轮刀式桑叶切碎机的工作原理 3

    2.1 轮刀式桑叶切碎机的结构特征 3

    2.2 轮刀式桑叶切碎机的切削原理及工作过程 3

    2.3 主要性能参数 4

    第三章 轮刀式桑叶切桑机的结构设计 5

    3.1 原动机类型的选择 5

    3.2 主电动机的选择 6

    3.3 传动装置的设计 8

    3.3.1 带传动形式的选择 8

    3.3.2 带及带轮相关参数的计算 9

    3.4 传动轴的设计 13

    3.5 传动轴轴承及轴承座参数的计算 15

    3.6 固刀辊的结构设计 18

    3.7 切削刀的参数设计 19

    3.8 输送机零部件设计 20

    3.8.1减速电机的选择 20

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