




    1. 根据国家法兰标准利用Access建立标准法兰的数据库文件;

    2. 利用VB建立程序的界面;

    3. 编写代码将VB和所建立的数据库进行连接,从数据库中调用法兰建模所用的参数

    4. 编写代码将VB和SolidWorks连接运用前面的参数进行三维建模

    毕业论文关键词:法兰;SolidWorks;;Visual Basic;宏


    The design and drawing of common parts of the mechanical is a tedious and repetitive work, it is time-consuming to manual design and easily prone to error, and the time spent on creative design significantly reduced, resulting in long product development cycles, the products of poor quality, weak competition in the market. This paper give blind flange as a example, aims to discuss on how to use 3-D design software Solidworks in mechanical design to achieve quickly design, the use of standard parts, allowing designers to devote more time to participate in creative work, and to achieve shorten the product development cycle purposes.

    Solidworks is a set of 3-D mechanical CAD software, its application programming interface, providing direct access to the Solidworks; it is easy for the second development to Solidworks. This paper use VB as a development tool,research how to develop the standard component library.

    The flange connecting is an important connection in pipeline construction. In the industrial pipeline, the use of the flange connected is in a very wide range. Therefore, the series designs of the blind flange have a great significance of the pipeline construction. In this paper, has an example of its application.

    The methods used in the process of developing of this subject are:

    1. According to the national standard flange flange using the Access database file to establish standards

    2. Establish procedures using VB interface

    3. VB and write code to connect to the database created from a database call parameters used by modeling the flange

    4. Write code to VB and SolidWorks connection parameters using the previous three-dimensional modeling

    Keyword: Blind Flange; SolidWorks; Visual Basic;Marco


    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2课题研究概述 2

    1.2.1课题研究内容 2

    1.2.2 SolidWorks的介绍 3

    1.2.3 SolidWorks 的对象模型 5

    1.3 二次开发的意义和目的

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