



    Abstract This paper mainly introduces the concept of palletizing robot, palletizing robot development at home and abroad and composition, control and each axis palletizing robot work cycle principle. For palletizing robots for the overall program design, and palletizing robot structural analysis, spatial analysis and kinematic modeling work, calculate and determine the technical parameters of the robot. Design calculations palletizing robot lifting arm and swing arm structure, stress analysis for palletizing robot joints and the corresponding bearing selection, drive systems for palletizing robot servo motors, reducers, and other components of the calculation and selection.

    For palletizing robot end effector design and stress analysis of the palletizing robot pneumatic system design, stress analysis and other components for pneumatic cylinder sizing and selection, the final palletizing robot according to the work requirements for the overall control design, palletizing robot control system for mission planning and motion planning, choosing the right control element, the entire palletizing robot working principle understanding, thus improving efficiency and drawings drawing quality.

    Keywords: palletizing robots, end actuators, control systems, cylinders, servo motors, gear units.


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 码垛机械手概述 1

    1.2 国内外发展状况 2

    1.3 题的提出 3

    第二章  码垛机械手技术参数设计和分配 4

    2.1 码垛机械手的组成 4

    2.2 课题研究内容 5

    2.2.1 课题的主要任务 5

    2.2.2 码垛机器手工作参数 5

    2.3 码垛机器手各轴的工作循环 7

    第3章  码垛机械手运动学分析 11

    3.1 码垛机器人任务空间分析 11

    3.2 码垛机械手结构分析和运动学建模 11

    3.2.1 码垛机械手机构分析 11

    3.2.2 机械手运动学建模 13

    3.2.3 码垛机械手工作空间分析 18

    第四章  码垛机械手动力学分析及电机选型 21

    4.1 码垛机械手动态静力学建模 21

    4.1.1 码垛机械手受力分析

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