






    Abstract In the modern industry and national defense ,all kinds of complex mechanical device ,the existence of a large number of every kind of load ,to be precise control of them ,must adopt adaptive、advanced intelligent control algorithm, but for more complex control algorithms for on-line testing is not feasible.Given these factors, designed to meet the needs of production and scientific research, the load simulator is such a system. Electric load simulation system with its simple structure, small size, low cost, and good control performance to become a very promising field of load simulation is a branch, and it is particularly suitable for use in the laboratory.

    The main content of this paper is pided into three parts:

    The first part based on the information given and the information collected for the test bench design, taking into account the actual work performed simulation device characteristics, the program provides a mechanical, electric hybrid load simulation system that can simultaneously simulate the inertia , friction and inertia constant of three kinds.

    The second part is given the task of the three torque range, the inertia of the load change on the body with the flywheel mass to achieve, on the design of the flywheel body in a series of concentric threaded hole, and an additional number of additional mass block, the mass can be screwed into the flywheel body . The size and quality of the flywheel main body, the position of the screw holes and the mass is through accurate calculation of the mass, and its object is achieved by the flywheel and the mass of the combination of these can cover the design requirements of the moment of inertia variation range; friction and constant value of the magnetic particle brake load loading achieved by changing the brake braking current can be adjusted to achieve the braking torque. 

    The third part through the body where the ANSYS software flywheel shaft, test bench tops, bevel gears and other local strength check to ensure the smooth test bench.

    Keyword: keyword:Load simulation; Inertia loads; friction load; constant load 

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