


    Abstract This issue is of horizontal butt welding equipment structure and simulation of three-dimensional modeling and animation. In this paper, according to the requirements, analysis of the welding equipment structure and working principle, use more reasonable motor, reducer, gun models, the design drawing of feeding box, welding gun device main parts assembly drawing and horizontal welding equipment overall assembly drawings, as well as part of the key parts of the parts diagram. In determining the structure of main parts and assembly relationship, completed the PRO / E three-dimensional modeling and motion simulation. PRO / E 3D model to include this level of welding equipment in most parts and all the key parts of the assembly, so that readers easy to understand the design of the structure and principle of motion simulation; including several most animated explosions and horizontal welding equipment during the operation of the pivotal movement steps of the simulation, the simulation results prove that the design can to achieve the desired transmission and control function. In addition, Pro / E three-dimensional modeling and motion simulation for virtual prototype technology establishment to offer premise condition.

    Keywords: horizontal welding; Pro/E; 3D model; simulation


    第一章  绪论 9

    1.1水平对焊设备研究现状及存在的问题 9

    1.2 本课题的研究目的与意义 10

    1.3 本课题主要研究内容与要求 11

    第二章 总体方案设计 13

    2.1整体布局 13

    2.2 传动方案及参数要求 13

    2.3 电动机的选择 14

    2.4减速器的初步设计 15

    2.5其他装置的初步设计 16

    第三章 传送机构的设计 18

    3.1传送机构原理 18

    3.2滚轮的选择 19

    3.2.1滚轮的结构与原理 19

    3.2.2滚轮的尺寸选择 20

    3.2.3滚轮的位置选择 20

    第四章  焊接机构的设计 22

    4.1上料箱的设计 22

    4.2焊枪的选择 23

    4.2.1焊枪的选择: 24


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