


     ABSTRACT The punch process is applied widely in the mechanical and electrical product manufacture profession, and the die is main craft equipment to realize the punch process. So it holds the important status in the manufacture profession. The content of this graduation design is that the elevation machine outer shell the complicated degree is processed, detailed discussed the process of the product comes from the rough and semi-finished product to the finished product under the condition of the moderate batch quantity, formulated the reasonable processing craft plan, and the design has drawn up the dies of two essential procedures including the falling material-drawing and turning hole, including the designs of the convex and concave dies and dead plate, to select the mold frame, the die shank and so on.

    Key words: Punch Process; Die Design;The Outer Shell 

     目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 冲压技术特点及其应用 1

    1.2 冲压技术发展的历史 2

    1.3 中国模具工业的现状 3

    1.4 模具的发展趋势 5

    第2章 零件分析 9

    2.1 零件的生产纲领及生产类型 9

    2.2 零件的功用与经济性分析 9

    2.3 零件的工艺性分析 10

    2.4 本章小结 10

    第3章 冲压工艺方案的分析与确定 11

    3.1 工艺性质与数量的确定 11

    3.1.1 确定翻孔边能否一次成功 11

    3.1.2 求毛坯直径 11

    3.1.3 计算工件的 , , 和总拉深系数 12

    3.1.4 判断能否一次拉成 12

    3.2 冲压工艺方案的确定 12

    3.3 本章小结 13

    第4章 主要工艺参数计算 15

    4.1 确定排样与裁板方案 15

    4.2 确定中间各工序件尺寸 15

    4.2.1 初选第一次拉深直径 15

    4.2.2 验算 是否选得正确 16

    4.2.3 确定拉深次数和各道半成品直径 16

    4.2.4 调整拉深系数 16

    4.2.5 以后各次拉深工序的圆角半径 16

    4.2.6 计算各次拉深高度 17

    4.3 本章小结 18

    第5章 计算各工序冲压力选择冲压设备、设计冲模及其主要零部件

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