


    Abstract This paper uses Pro/E and VRML to realize gear pump virtual assembly technology, is a large 3D CAD/CAM system software and virtual reality for the characteristics of the 3Dweb technology for the core of ASCII description language together. The realization of the intuitive man-machine interaction, which is in a virtual environment through the operating parts and computer language commands directly to complete the assembly operation. It uses the computer assembly design process is extended to three-dimensional space, dynamic observation of product details. The gear pump assembly utilizing this technology can optimize the product design, avoid or reduce the physical models of production, shorten the development cycle, reduce cost, and implementation of product concurrent development, improve the gear pump assembly quality and efficiency, improve product after sale service. This scheme for complex mechanical product virtual assembly provides a referential method and technology. This article through the Pro/E and VRML environment for the gear pump of the 3D solid modeling and virtual assembly, and the construction of virtual scene interactive, the introduction of VRMLscript program of gear pump virtual assembly and animation effects. Through the gear pump virtual assembly practice, establishes a simple, effective use of VRML to realize the virtual assembly. In the future in various fields has very important reference value, its technology applied in industry, agriculture, business, education and scientific research, its application prospect is very broad.

    Key words: VRML, Pro/E, Virtual assembly,gear oil pump


    第一章  绪   论 1

    1. 1 课题研究背景 1

    1. 2 课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1. 3 课题研究的方向和内容 2

    1. 4本章小结 2

    第二章  VRML及Pro/E简介 3

    2.1VRML简介 3

    2.1.1 VRML的历史 3

    2.1.2VRML的功能概述 3

    2.1.3VRML的发展现状和存在的问题 4

    2.1.4VRML的发展前景 4

    2.2 PRO/E简介 5

    2.2.1Pro/E概述 5

    2.2.2Pro/E的功能 5


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