



    Abstract The system adopted the two rear DC motor-driven car,the front wheel castor wheels;use reflective infrared optical transmitter-receiver(infrared control) to identify the black guide lines running track.To STC12C5A60S2 as the control center of the tracing module ,speed module and manipulator module output signal processing.Through the appropriate algorithm,using steering motor control car driving direction,using PWM technology dynamic control two DC motor speed,make the car on the omni-directional driving,and can automatically stop, through the double MCU connection make manipulator work.

    In this paper, the research methods consist of demonstrative comparison analysis which studies the independent module in comprehensive way. Some information is available by searching on a large number of relevant documents and materials and on which different solutions will be obtained. Combined with the actual situation, the better one will be selected for designing. Then combine the various debugging module with the body of the car effectively through the control of the control of the microcontroller and the program, in that way the final design and production will be made.



    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 前言 1

    1.2 课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2.1 题目背景 1

    1.2.2 研究意义 2

    1.3 国内外相关研究情况 2

    1.4 课题研究的主要内容 4

    1.5 本章小结 5

    第二章 系统方案论证与选择 6

    2.1系统方案论证及选择 6

    2.1.1控制器模块论证与选择 6

    2.1.2电源模块论证与选择 7

    2.1.3电机的论证与选择 7

    2.1.4电机驱动模块论证与选择 8

    2.1.5寻迹模块选择与论证 8

    2.1.6测速模块的选择与论证 9

    2.1.7 机械手模块论证与选择 10

    2.1.8机械手控制器选择与论证 11

    2.1.9本系统最终方案 11

    2.2本章小结 12

    第三章 系统硬件电路设计 13

    3.1单片机电路设计 13

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