





    Robots as the most rapidly developed in recent years, the most typical Mechatronic products, are all aspects of human life, his work, small, lightweight and versatile for Moon robot, great application in aerospace and research value. It is for this reason, this study on the design and installation of a light in the Moon robot four-DOF Manipulator. The picker was able to finish in place detecting a valid instrument placement, positioning, and evacuation operations, such as operation of. Mechanical arm as an important part on the Lunar Rover, is essential for successful completion of Lunar Rover seat detection.

    Research on this topic on the basis of the domestic and foreign many arm, according to project requirements and design arm of the overall programme structure and related machinery, selected arm for four-DOF joints including roll joints and wrist joints. Picker using miniature DC motor drive, secondary reduction gear of planetary gear reducer and harmonic reducer. This article describes system prototype for a Lunar Rover vehicle mechanical arm, the picker is 4 degrees, shuts down independent movement, or along a linear motion in a work space. According to instructions to complete tasks such as conducting, full, locking, has completed in place to carry some load detection function of the job. 

    This is the manipulator mechanical design and control system design based on the study and discuss the the manipulator electrical control system design . Design mainly includes three parts : (1)the manipulator mechanical structure design and modeling and simulation (2)the manipulator control part of the design (3)part of the design of the manipulator drive.

    Keywords: Mechanical structure; modeling and simulation; electrical schematic ; sensor selection ; motor selection


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 现代机械臂的发展状况 1

    1.3 研究目的和意义 2

    1.4 本章小结

  1. 上一篇:船舶生产安全监控系统硬件设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:机加工生产线动力头电液控制系统设计+CAD图纸+PLC梯形图
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