

    关键词  注塑模具  一模一腔  工艺分析  


    Title  Cab machine structural parts injection mold CAD design                     


    Injection mold of automobile cab interior structure has been designed and researched in this article. Production process and the specific structure of the structure has been analyzed. Injection mold institutions, systems, such as casting, core pulling and ejection system, forming part of the rationality and practicality,through certain design methods, principles of rational allocation and selection, at the same time, a suitable injection molding machine has been selected, and relevant design parameters above were been detailed checked and correction choiceed. Taking into account the process conditions of injection molding products, the design has been adopted as a way of producing a mold cavity, by the top of the mast, using a spring core pulling structure, its overall reasonableness meet certain requirements. With this design, the cab interior structure can be processed to produce injection-molded model to improve its productivity.

    Keywords  injection molding  One module and one cavity  Technology analysis

    目   次

      1  引言 1

      1.1  塑料件 1

      1.2  注塑成型 2

      1.3  选题意义 2

      2  塑件注塑工艺的合理性分析 3

      2.1  塑件分析 3

      2.2  塑件的材料分析 3

      2.3  塑料成型工艺性能分析 3

      3  注塑模具总体方案 5

      3.1  分型面位置的确定 5

      3.2  成型腔数的确定 6

      3.3  注射成型机的选择 6

      3.4  注塑机的校核 8

      4  成型零件的设计计算 9

      4.1  型腔的结构设计 9

      4.2  型芯的结构设计 9

      4.3  成型零件工作尺寸的计算 10

      5  浇注系统设计 12

      5.1  浇口设计 12

      5.2  主流道的设计 13

      5.3  冷料穴的设计 14

      6  顶出系统设计

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