


    关键字: LED摩托车前照灯;LED驱动;LED散热

    Abstract With its high efficiency and energy conservation, the long life, rich color environmental protection and other characteristics, the use of LED lamp becomes more and more widely in the application of the new motorcycle abroad. And it has a tread of replacing traditional incandescent lamp, tungsten halogen lamp, even potential of the xenon HID lights . Besides, the domestic motorcycle lamp with LED starts quickly and motorcycle lamp of inland is just beginning to remove . As a key technology of LED headlamps lighting, there are still many problems which need to be conquered, such as lights, heat dissipation issues, and so on . As the LED lights are different from former lighting lamps and lanterns completely, which the original design would not satisfy with,have to be redesigned . 

          This paper is a design of LED motorcycle headlamp. We recommend the shine unit, circuit boards, and other important parts simply, and introduce the system of heat and drive. This headlamp consists the advantages of traditional design, which is not only fit for the concise, environmental protection, high efficiency, energy-saving characteristics, but also it enhances the performance and life .

    Keywords:LED  motorcycle headlamps; LED drive system ;LED cooling

    目    录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 国内外现状与发展趋势 2

    1.3 研究的目的与意义 2

    1.4 研究的内容 4

    第二章 LED摩托车前照灯整体设计 5

    2.1 整体介绍 5

    2.2 灯罩的设计 6

    2.3 LED灯发光单元 7

    2.3.1 灯杯

    2.3.2 灯珠 10

    2.3.3 近光灯和远光灯功能 12

    2.4 电路板的设计 13

    第三章 LED摩托车前照灯的热分析 15

    3.1 结点温度对LED性能的影响 15

    3.1.1 结温对LED光输出的影响 15

    3.1.2 结温对LED电学性能的影响 16

    3.1.3 结温对LED寿命的影响 16

    3.2 Ansys软件介绍 17

    3.3 基座的仿真分析 19

    3.4 添加散热器的基座的仿真分析 21

    第四章 LED摩托车前照灯的控制部分 24

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