


    毕业论文关键词  谐波传动,减速器,参数化设计,啮合仿真 


    Title  Design parameters and engaging movement of industrial machinery precision harmonic drive simulation                     


    Harmonic Drive Since the American scholar Musser made in 1950, as a new drive has a simple structure, light weight, transmission ratio range, high transmission accuracy, large load capacity, the advantages of small backlash, which in the next few decade has been rapid development. Harmonic Drive consists of just round, soft round, the wave generator is composed of three parts, and the wave generator cam bearings and a flexible composition has a convex contour shaped mainly by the elastic deformation of flexible wheel to transmit motion. At home and abroad has been successfully applied to the harmonic drive navigation workers in aerospace, high-energy accelerators, atomic reactors, radar systems, robotics, military and general machinery, and other fields. But the harmonic drive still exists as cyclic deformation of flexible wheel fatigue damage, flexible wheel and wave generator manufacturing more difficult, the lower limit of the shortcomings of higher transmission ratio, these harmonic gear drive technology unresolved issues that we need to its further in-depth study.

    This paper describes the principle of harmonic drive, the research status and trend of development, mainly for the design studies for industrial machinery with precision harmonic gear principle programs, parameters and structure, the industrial robot joint drive with a compact, high load, high rigidity and precision advantages of using MATLAB software tooth profile parameters to optimize the design of the engagement state simulation analysis to verify the correctness of the design and preparation of parametric design software, the drive precision analysis, which the key components are analyzed checking stiffness and strength, and ultimately complete the program of industrial robots reducer drive parameter structure design and working drawings and three-dimensional parts assembly drawing design entity.

    Keywords  Harmonic drive, reducer, parametric design, simulation engagement


    1  引言 1

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