

    毕业论文关键词: 级进模具;连接支架;排样方案设计;结构分析设计

    Multi-position progressive die of connecting bracket

    Abstract: Design of the workpiece is connected to the bracket.From the structure of the workpiece, the workpiece has punching, blanking, bending, compression, and so on 4 kinds of components, the shape of the workpiece into a symmetrical structure. According to the requirements of the technical requirements of the workpiece in a given graph and material to determine design scheme of die stamping, mold type, structure, from the level of the accuracy of the workpiece determined the mold manufacturing precision grade, mold manufacturing equipment selection, appropriate practical point of view, stamping parts production precision assurance, finally selects the workpiece punching blanking die design using the level into the mold and punching. Mold design mainly according to the measurement data, find the workpiece drawings unlabeled tolerance limit deviations, according to the dimensional tolerances to determine precision mold manufacturing, after multiple layout analysis to design of die structure, and carry out related design calculation; all the design after determining the start sketching the mold and assembly drawings, part drawings, preparation of technical requirements, design specifications.

    Key words: progressive five; connecting bracket;layout design;structure analysis and design 

     目  录

    1  前言 1

    1.1  冷冲压模具概述和发展 1

    1.2当前模具的技术水平 1

    1.3冲压模具的优势 2

    2  工件工艺分析 3

    2.1  工件材料分析 3

    2.2  工件结构形状分析 4

    2.3  尺寸精度 4

    3  冲压工艺方案确定 5

    3.1  冲裁工艺方法的选择 5

    4  工艺参数计算 7

    4.1  弯曲展平尺寸计算 7

    4.1.1  弯曲中性层确定 7

    4.1.2  弯曲件展平尺寸计算 7

    4.2  冲裁工件的排样 8

    4.2.1  搭边值的确定 9

    4.2.2  送料步距与条料宽度的计算 10

    4.3  冲压力的计算 11

    4.3.1  冲裁力的计算 12

    4.3.2  卸料力计算 12

    4.3.3  弯曲力的计算

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