

    关键词  闭锁间隙  击针突出量  无修挫合格方案   专用量具设计


    Title  Dimension chain analysis and calculation of CS/LM1 type 7.62 mm universal machine gun                     


    For CS/LM1 type 7.62mm general purpose machine gun in order to guarantee the closed space and hit needle protruding amount needed in the assembly of repair, low assembly efficiency and the quality of the products, the graduation design to carry out the corresponding dimension chain tolerance computation and exemption contusion and technical scheme of the study.This paper introduces the basic situation and construction features of CS/LM1 type general purpose machine gun. An overview of the extreme value method to calculate the dimension chain method and weapon size chain on firing accuracy, reliability and processing manufacturing cost and production efficiency has important influence. By using the dimension chain tolerance calculation and analysis software, a detailed analysis is made on the size chain of the locking clearance and the striking needle protrusion of the machine gun. The parts of the fixed size of design variable for adjustable floating dimensions, in the assembly process to complete the adjustment closed to the specific design of the ring size, the closed space and click needle protruding amount to repair eligibility requirements. And the corresponding special measuring tools are designed according to the two design schemes. Solve practical problems in the assembly of firearms.

    Keywords  lock clearance  striking needle  non repair and contusion  special measuring tool design


    1 引言 1

    1.1  课题的工程背景 1

    1.2  课题相关领域国内外研究状况 1

    1.3  课题内容 4

    2  CS/LM1型通用机枪及尺寸链计算原理 5

    2.1  CS/LM1型通用机枪 5

    2.2  尺寸链及其计算原理 6

    2.3  闭锁间隙与击针突出量的定义 11

    3  尺寸链分析与计算 12

    3.1  闭锁尺寸链分析与计算 12

    3.2  击针突出量尺寸链分析与计算 16

    4  闭锁尺寸与击针突出量无修挫合格技术方案及量具设计 19

    4.1  闭锁尺寸无修挫合格技术方案及量具设计 19

    4.2  击针突出量无修挫合格技术方案及量具设计

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