


    关键词  喷漆机器人  小臂系统  步进电机  弹簧平衡


    Title    Painting Robot - Forearm Systems Design         


    n today's automotive and other paint manufacturing industry, spray paint robots more easily meet the requirements of safety, environmental protection, high efficiency and high quality,therefore, the painting robots as an important member in automated production lines have been gradually recognized and adopted.

    This paper briefly describes the research background, the meaning and the current situation of the painting robot. Then, the paper gives the overall scheme of design, determines coordinates of the whole joint, uses a stepping motor to drive, selects a ball screw, chain sprockets and bevel gears three kinds of transmission type and use spring to balance so that work out a reasonable design programs. Finally, design and calculation of the arm system, through the stress analysis of the arm system in order to design the structure of forearm and wrist, calculate moment of force of the joint rotation, select and design to meet the requirements of the motor, ball screw, sprocket, cone gears, springs and so on. Determined the installation location of the various parts and components, so as to realize the movement requirements of arm pitch of 30 degrees, wrist swing of 110 degrees and the wrist twirl of 110 degrees.

    Keywords  The painting robots  Forearm system  Stepping motor

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  喷漆机器人研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  喷漆机器人组成和特点 2

    1.3  喷漆机器人国内、外研究现状 3

    2  喷漆机器人总体方案的论证设计 5

    2.1  喷漆机器人坐标形式的确定 5

    2.2  喷漆机器人驱动方式的选择 6

    2.3  喷漆机器人传动方式的选择 7

    2.4  喷漆机器人平衡装置的设计 9

    2.5  喷漆机器人工作空间的计算 10

    3  喷漆机器人腕部设计 12

    3.1  手腕偏转驱动设计 13

    3.2  手腕俯仰驱动设计 24

    4  喷漆机器人小臂系统设计 25

    4.1  小臂俯仰驱动设计 25

    4.2  小臂平衡装置设计 30

    结  论

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