


    毕业论文关键词  电动自行车  充电安全控制  STM32单片机   红外测温


    Title    The Safety Analysis and Process Monitoring Technology     of Electric Bicycle Charging                                                


    With the increasing number of electric bicycles in China, fire accidents caused by electric bicycle charging are rising, which causes great damage and loss of life. The electric bicycle charging safety control system can be used in the centralized charging place of electric bicycles, The system can real-time monitor the factors that may cause accidents in the process of charging, if the process is abnormal, it can cut off the power immediately and send message to users in time to prevent the fire accidents.

    The software and hardware design of the control board based on STM32F103C8 is completed in this paper. The control board contains many modules, such as the RFID   reader module, communication module, display module, infrared temperature measurement module and so on. Software design mainly includes the sensor   acquisition task, serial data transmission, DGUS touch screen display and RFID read. Finally, The system online debugging of the software and hardware is done, the results show that the system can fulfill the design requirements and achieve the expected function.

    Keywords  Electric bicycle  Charging safety control  STM32MCU  Infrared temperature measurement

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究和发展现状 1

    1.3  本文研究内容及论文结构 2

    2  电动自行车充电事故分析及系统总体方案设计 4

    2.1  电动自行车充电过程 4

    2.2  电动自行车充电过程事故原因 4

    2.3  电动自行车充电过程监控方案 6

    2.4  系统总体方案设计 7

    2.5  本章小结 8

    3  主控制板设计及传感器选择 9

    3.1  主控制板主要实现功能 9

    3.2  红外测温工作原理 10

    3.3  红外测温传感器的选择与安装 10

    3.4  本章小结 12

    4  主控制板的硬件设计 13

    4.1  主控制板总体设计 13

    4.2  主控制板微处理器选型 13

    4.3  电源模块设计 15

    4.4  继电器模块设计 16

    4.5  DTU通信模块设计 17

    4.6  彩屏显示模块设计 18

    4.7  射频读卡模块设计 18

    4.8  红外测温与云台控制模块设计 19

    4.9  本章小结 21

    5  主控制板的软件设计 22

    5.1  软件设计总体概述 22

    5.2  软件开发环境 22

    5.3  中断优先级分配23

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