    Design and Analysis of a Post- cooler of Heavy Naphtha
    Abstract: As today's shell and tube cooler is widely used, the heat transfer efficiency has a direct impact on industrial demand and economic benefits. Therefore,studying the internal flow and heat transfer is extremely important. Therefore, it is more appreciate to use the computer simulation software Fluent system to simulate the fluid interior of the housing. Through choosing each structure and its various types of check, calculating the shell and tube heat ex-changer of the various components, designing after completing a heavy naphtha cooler and finishing its engineering design. Further, while maintaining the rest are the same size on the basis of the establishment of baffle height of three-dimensional model three different working conditions, studying the flow and heat transfer analysis of working conditions at different heights. Vector field, cloud speed, etc. The results obtained by the pressure drop results will provide velocity so as to analyze the conclusions.
    Key Words:shell and tube heat ex-changers;numerical simulation anal;flow and heat transfer;baffled
     目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.2 课题研究的意义    1
    1.3 文献综述    2
    1.4 换热器的传热问题研究    2
    1.4.1 管程强化传热研究    2
    1.4.2 壳程强化传热研究    3
    1.5 换热器的流体分析    3
    1.6 设计方案    4
    1.7 设计内容    6
    1.7.1 选型    6
    1.7.2 换热器材料的选择    6
    1.7.3 计算求解    6
    1.7.4 模拟分析    6
    1.8 技术路线    7
    1.8.1 选型    7
    1.8.2 计算求解    7
    1.8.3 模拟分析    7
    2 创新点与难点    9
    2.1 创新点    9
    2.2 难点    9
    3换热器的选用与工艺设计    11
    3.1 设计任务与工艺条件    11
    3.1.1 已知设计参数    11
    3.1.2 换热器类型    11
    3.2 确定设计方案    11
    3.2.1 设计任务    11
    3.2.2 选择换热器    11
    3.2.3 流程安排    12
    3.3 确定物性参数    12
    3.4 估算换热面积    12
    3.4.1 热流量(忽略热损失)    12
    3.4.2 平均传热温差(忽略热损失)    13
    3.4.3换热面积    13
    3.5 工艺尺寸    13
    3.5.1 管径和管内流速    13
    3.5.2 管程数和传热管数    13
    3.5.3 管程数和传热管数    14
    3.5.4 计算平均传热温差校正壳程数    14
    3.5.5 管板上的布管设计    15
    3.5.6 壳体内径    15
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