    This article provides (lithium) battery pack (also known as ESS, or energy storage system) in the battery cells, battery modules, battery pack, battery case and the details of the optimization of the components of the mechanical design.
    On the basis of the battery cells in parallel by 3 * 8 forming cells, six cells are connected in series to form a battery module, four battery modules are connected in series to form a battery group, a combination of batteries and battery components into a box on its mechanical structure and heat systems to optimize the design. Through these design make it simple and convenient to install the better, in the heat better and more reliable on the safe and convenient. Finally, after the battery is assembled, the battery pack is connected to the Hall sensor、electric fans、fuse and the relay.
    Of course, after the completion of the design of the battery pack, to ensure the safety of the battery pack through a series of tests.So as to improve the safety performance of the whole electric vehicle
    Key words:Lithium-ion battery; single cell; cell; the battery module; a battery pack; optimization design; relay; Hall sensor
    目 录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2车用电池的发展状况    2
    1.3电池成组技术发展现状    4
    1.4动力电池振动与冲击问题研究现状    4
    1.5本文研究内容    5
    1.5.1纯电动汽车动力电池包机械结构优化设计    5
    1.5.2纯电动汽车动力电池包散热系统优化设计    5
    1.5.3纯电动汽车动力电池包安全系统设计    5
    第二章 纯电动汽车动力电池包机械结构设计及优化    6
    2.1纯电动机汽车动力电池包机械结构设计原则    6
    2.2纯电动机汽车动力电池包整体设计    6
    2.3纯电动机动力电池包原机械设计    7
    2.4纯电动机动力电池包单体电池的选择    8
    2.5纯电动机动力电池包电池单元的机械结构设计    8
    2.5.1电池单元排列    8
    2.5.2单体电池保持架及导电连接片    8
    2.3.3电池单元外围零件结构    10
    2.3.4 电池单元优化设计及优点    10
    2.4纯电动机动力电池包电池模块的机械设计及其优点    11
    2.4.1纯电动机动力电池包电池模块的机械设计    11
    2.4.2纯电动机动力电池包电池模块优化设计的优点    13
    2.5 纯电动机动力电池包电池组结构设计    13
    2.6纯电动机动力电池包结构的优化设计    13
    2.6.1电池包结构    14
    2.6.2电池包外固定结构    14
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