    With the rapid development of society, the rapid progress of science and technology, industrial modernization and gradually improve the means of industrial transport is also more and more rich. In the process of automatic production, the transportation of materials or products is an important link, which determines the production efficiency and the economic efficiency of enterprises. However, due to the different types of transport enterprises, the transfer speed of the requirements will also be changed, so the transmission speed should be able to adjust and control. In this paper, the design of belt conveyor system, this design can be transported with the belt material quality change, the speed of the corresponding adjustment, so that the material to reach the requirements of quantitative transport. In this paper, the design of belt conveyor system, this design can be transported with the belt material quality change, the speed of the corresponding adjustment, so that the material to reach the requirements of quantitative transport. The design is pided into four chapters, respectively introduces the system design of the overall scheme of the conveyer belt speed, mechanical structure design of belt conveyor driving mode selection; control system design; detection system design and structure.
    Key words: belt;speed regulation;ration
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    6
    1.1研究背景与意义    6
    1.2国内外近状与未来发展趋向    6
    1.3课题认识与总体方案设计    7
    第二章  皮带输送机总体设计    9
    2.1传动机构    9
    2.1.1输送带    9
    2.1.2传动滚筒    11
    2.1.3 改向滚筒    12
    2.1.4驱动装置    12
    2.1.5联轴器    13
    2.1.6托辊    13
    2.2计算    14
    2.2.1由带宽、带速验算输送能力    14
    2.2.2张力的逐点计算    15
    2.2.3功率计算    16
    2.3张紧装置    16
    2.3.1配重块质量    17
    第三章  控制系统的设计    18
    3.1运动过程分析    18
    3.2检测装置    18
    3.2.1 速度传感器    18
    3.2.2 电子皮带秤    19
    3.2.3光电式传感器    19
    3.3调速方法    19
    3.3.1调速方法的选择    19
    3.3.2变频器的选型    20
    3.4控制器选择    20
    3.4.1 PLC输入/输出模块的选择    21
    3.4.2 PLC的选择    21
    3.5 I/O端子分配表    21
    3.6硬件连接图    22
    3.7 控制系统软件设计    22
    3.7.1 程序流程图    22
    3.7.2 梯形图    23
    结束语    26
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