    Abstract Drilling combined machine tool is based on the need to be processed, there are a large number of common parts, and then with a small number of special components, according to a predetermined process for the processing of various parts of the machine tool. With a multi cutter, multi axis, multi station, multi station processing and general machine tools, with a short design cycle, low cost, high automation, stable processing quality, reduce labor intensity and other advantages. The main content of the design include: cutting parameters determined transmission scheme and transmission system graph are determined, and calculate the axis of the actual speed and standard speed of relative error, preliminary calculation of the transmission shaft diameter and determine, determine the fixture planning and calculate the size. The main components of the static stiffness are also examined, and the assembly drawing and part drawing are drawn.
    Key words:D rill combination machine tools; Main shaft; Jig
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1机床夹具及其组成    1
    1.1.1  概述    1
    1.1 .2组合机床的发展状况    1
    第二章   组合机床的总体设计    2
    2.1 机床的主要设计流程    2
    2.2 计划制定工艺方法    2
    2.2.1 零件的分析    2
    2.2.2 工艺规程的制作    2
    2.3 刀具的选择和切削用量的确定    2
    2.4 切削力和功率的确定    3
    2.5 被加工零件制作图    4
    2.6 加工说明图    5
    2.6.1 加工说明图的内容    5
    2.6.2 确定主轴及其配件尺寸    5
    2.6.3 动力部件的工作循环及工作行程    6
    2.7 机床联系尺寸总图    7
    2.7.1 机床联系尺寸总图的内容    7
    2.7.2 动力零件的选择    7
    2.7.3 确定中间底座尺寸    8
    2.7.4 多轴箱体外形尺寸的确定    8
    2.8 机床生产率计算卡    9
    2.8.1 理想生产率    9
    2.8.2 实际生产率    9
    2.8.3 机床负荷率    10
    第三章   机床夹具设计    11
    3.1 夹具的发展状况    11
    3.2 夹具的设计    11
    3.2.1 制定设计方案    11
    3.2.2 导向装置设计    11
    3.2.3 定位部件和支撑系统的确定    12
    3.2.4 夹紧装置    13
    3.2.5 夹具体的结构设计    13
    3.2.6 夹紧力计算    14
    结束语    15
    致  谢    16
    参考文献    17
    第一章  绪论
    1.1.1  概述
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