    毕业论文关键词:复合模 级进模 弯曲模
    According to the draw, my graduation design is the clutch inner U connection parts stamping die design, which is a punching + bending parts.
    When I got the part drawing, the first reaction is: should use the progressive die to do simple, fast, convenient, the first step is the second step for punching, blanking, bending the third step. Then with some auxiliary facilities, a simple progressive die is complete, but when I really started to execute my plan, to find the problem, other places are not what the big problem is the main focus in the blanking and bending of the two steps above, after the first step punching, second step blanking problem in when I finished the blanking step according to the plan, parts directly fall down, simply can not enter the bending step. I was a time not come up with a solution to this, so the design of progressive die for the idea of the void, only another way.
    Finally, I determine the two schemes: a three sets of mould design, a pair of piercing single process mode, a pair of blanking single process mode, a pair of bending die; 21 side punching down the material composite modulus, a pair of bending single process mode, the first scheme total three sets of mould design, heavy workload and work efficiency is very low, so be my veto. Finally, I use the second scheme: a pair of blanking punch compound die, a pair of bending single process mode.
    In this thesis, I mainly is pided into five modules bending: parts of the process analysis and structure analysis, curve model of structure design and process design, fall of blanking punch compound die structure design and process design. In part and assembly drawing plotting, and two pairs of mold press selection. In which I put almost all of the contents are included into, from row layout calculation to workers said the pressure calculation, and then is the structure of the mold of the main components calculation.
    Keywords: compound die  progressive die  bending die
    目  录
    第一章  零件的工艺分析    1
    1.1零件的形状分析    1
    1.2零件的材料分析    1
    第二章 冲裁方案的确定与规划    2
    2.1冲裁方案的确定    2
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