    In this graduation design, I design is the motor plate blanking, punching compound die, is based on the basic theory of stamping process, the movement of the mold can be finished under the premise of want want parts forming, and must meet the basic requirements of factory production, to a detailed analysis and determine the mold, which contains the motor plate in cutting process analysis, the determination of process scheme, calculated the concave and convex die in the die cutting edge dimension, the choice of the press and checking, the determination of locating scheme, selection of discharging way and so on a series of design work. The parts stamping method is used to complete, with composite mold production, mainly considering the actual production efficiency, save the mould cost, labor costs, etc. The mould design is designed according to the actual production factory as far as possible, and for future work, better able to design such parts.
    Keywords: Die; Blanking parts;Punch-die
    目  录
       第一章  零件的工艺分析和工艺方案的确定    1
    1.1零件的工艺分析    1
    1.2确定工艺方案    2
    第二章  模具结构方案的确定    3
    2.1模具类型的选择    3
    2.2定位、导向、卸料方式的选择    3
    2.3进行冲压设备的初选    3
    第三章  工艺尺寸的计算和分析    4
    3.1搭边值的确定    4
    3.2排样方式的选择    4
    3.3条型料片步距的计算    4
    3.4条型料片材料利用率的计算    5
    第四章  压力机的选择和成型部件的计算    6
    4.1计算冲压力,选择并核实压力机是否合适    6
    4.2确定冲裁件的压力中心    6
    4.3 校核冲压设备基本参数    6
    4.3.1公称压力的校核    6
    4.3.2 滑块行程的校核    6
    4.3.3滑块行程次数的校核    6
    4.4、计算凸凹模刃口尺寸    7
    第五章  模具零部件结构的设计    9
    5.1冲孔凸模结构的设计    9
    5.2 落料凹模结构的设计    9
    5.3 凸凹模的结构设计    11
    5.4 冲模导向、定位、卸料装置的具体选用    12
    5.4.1导向装置的具体选用    12
    5.4.2 定位装置的具体选用    12
    5.4.3 卸料装置的具体选用    12
    5.5其他零件的设计      13
    5.6模具装配      15
    结束语    16
    致谢    17
    参考文献    18
    第一章  零件的工艺分析和工艺方案的确定
  1. 上一篇:机械零件打磨室室体图纸消化吸收
  2. 下一篇:喷漆循环水系统+caxa图纸
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