    关键词  真空覆膜机  红外辐射加热  有限元模拟  
    Title    Design of an Automatic Coating Machine        
    The main content of this paper is the design of an automatic coating machine, including designing heating system, vacuum pumping and air intake system and control system. The paper researches radiation heating process and infrared spectrum matching. The thermal relationship between the heating tile and the film is analyzed here by establishing heating effect model based on heating distance, heating time, temperature and other parameters. The model and control structure are optimized via experiments and improvement of model parameters. The development of automatic coating machine aims to standardize the packaging equipment, to provide complete theoretical analysis and data support for the research as well as development of coating machine, to overcome the defects of current packaging equipment, significantly improving the effect ,the accuracy and stability of packaging process, reducing the cost.
    Keywords  vacuum coating machine  infrared radiation heating  
    finite element simulation  
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本课题的研究意义    1
    1.2  封装技术发展状况    1
    1.2.1  国内发展状况    1
    1.2.2  国外发展状况    2
    1.3  本课题的主要研究内容    3
    2  覆膜机总体方案设计    4
    2.1  覆膜机系统组成    4
    2.2  覆膜机结构组成    5
    3  覆膜机加热系统    8
    3.1  红外辐射加热原理    8
    3.2  覆膜机加热方式    9
    3.2.1  红外加热源    9
    3.2.2  加热腔    9
    3.3  加热模型    9
    4  覆膜机的抽真空和进气系统    12
    5  覆膜机的控制系统    14
    5.1  温度控制    14
    5.1.1  加热电路    15
    5.1.2  三段温度加热电路    16
    5.2  行程控制    17
    5.2.1  DELTA DVP14ES    18
    5.2.2  DELTA DVP32ES    20
    5.2.3  人机界面    22
    6  ANSYS辐射热仿真分析    25
    6.1  软件简介    25
    6.2  温度场有限元建模    25
    6.2.1  三维几何模型建立    25
    6.2.2  ANSYS有限元热分析过程    26
    6.3  结果分析    27
    6.3.1  加热效果与加热距离的关系    27
    6.3.2  加热效果与加热时间的关系    30
    7  封装实验及结果    33
    结  论    35
    致  谢    36
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