



    Abstract This paper is mainly about the design of the turning of the connecting rod cap (deviation pieces). In combined with the actual production ,semicircle hole part is not easy to find the center of the circle and difficult to process. Lathe four-jaw chuck design a reasonable processing methods and design based on this principle a special fixture to improve production efficiency and reduce material waste. The four-jaw chuck processing methods including the principles of design, tooling design, as well as specific processing methods on the lathe. Flexible dedicated fixture design includes a choice of locating and clamping fixture structure design and a reasonable analysis.

    The practicality of this design, not only in processing only for the connecting rod cap (deviation pieces) can be used, but in processing all the half-hole parts were unable to find the center of a circle, we can try to use this method to resolve. Thus avoiding a lot because of damage to the workpiece can not find a reasonable method of repair caused by the unnecessary loss and waste, increasing the cost. Therefore, the design of this method has in fact the meaning and value, you can solve many problems in which the actual processing.

    Keywords:Turning operations, semi-circular hole,four-jaw chuck, special fixtures


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.1.1 机床概述 1

    1.1.2 机床夹具 1

    1.2 课题设计内容及任务 3

    第二章  普通车床四爪卡盘加工 4

    2.1 车床概述 4

    2.2 普通车床加工 6

    2.2.1 连杆盖跑偏件分析 6

    2.2.2 车削加工方法的设计 8

    2.2.3 车削加工刀具的选择 11

    2.3 车削力的的计算 12

    2.3.1 车削力概述 12

    2.3.2 端面切削力的估算 14

    2.3.3 镗孔切削力的估算 16

    第三章  基于普通车床加工原理的专用夹具设计 20

    3.1 车床夹具概述 20

    3.2 夹具设计 20

    3.2.1 夹具的设计要求 20

    3.2.2 夹具定位方案的选择 20

    3.2.3 夹具夹紧装置的选择

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