


    Abstract  Reverse engineering is based on existing products or model, with a certain measuring equipment for measuring data, again through the data on the 3 d modeling geometry to create forms of CAD model, and the model for the analysis of the products, optimization, and the manufacturing process. Colleges and universities laboratory teaching research in different periods and can be generated during the phenomenon of idle equipment, use of reverse engineering method, to these idle equipment, can to save cost and developing the purpose of circular economy, this makes originally onefold scrap or continue to idle equipment are very effective use of. In this paper, the principle of reverse engineering in the tooth machine disassemble and surveying and mapping data, with pfoe software for 3 d modeling reconstruction, on the basis of the CAD software 2 d graphics. And to put in the structure of the tooth machine based on analysis of the optimized design and cost analysis.

    Keyword:Reverse engineering;Pinion gear machine;Surveying and mapping;Optimization design;Cost analysis 

    目  录

    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1 课题背景及意义 1

    1.2 正向工程和逆向工程 1

    1.2.1 正向工程概述 1

    1.2.2 逆向工程的概述 1

    1.3逆向工程的系统软件 2

    1.4 逆向工程软件的发展 2

    1.5 逆向工程在国外的应用与发展 3

    1.5.1 逆向工程应用现状 3

    1.5.2逆向工程在国内外的发展状况 4

    1.6逆向工程的的系统特点 5

    1.7 本课题研究内容和步骤 5

    1.8 本章小结 6

    第二章 插齿机的相关内容 7

    2.1  插齿机的介绍 7

    2.2  插齿机的形式 7

    2.3  插齿机的原理 7

    2.3.1插齿机床及插齿原理 8

    2.3.2插齿刀 9

    第三章 插齿机零件的测量 10

    3.1零件测量注意事项 10

    3.3 插齿机具体零件测量 11

    3.4 本章小结 14

    第四章 插齿机零件的建模介绍 15

    4.1  Pro/E软件简介 15

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