


    本文设计的蠕动式微管道机器人,采用两个步进电机对丝杠进行驱动,用一个伺服电机对偏心轮驱动,实现了机器人的蠕动式前进。利用SolidWorks 2007及AutoCAD 2004软件设计了全部的机械结构。在比较分析了多种方案后最终设计出了各部件,并在此基础上还对主要的零件做了强度校核。设计的机器人总体尺寸为   ,质量约200g。最后利用COSMOSMotion仿真软件对机构做了运动学仿真,通过仿真得到了驱动力和移动速度与结构参数之间的关系数据曲线。仿真表明,机器人可以适应直径为 的管道,且运动过程较平稳。


     ABSTRACT The in-pipe miniature crawling robot is all important composition pision of the micro robot research realm.The in-pipe micro-robots,capable of reaching to narrowness and dangerous areas,are characterized by small size,low power supply.They have the prospect to be widely used in the fields of the chemical engineering,the nuclear power plant,the medical treatment.

       At first, this paper introduces generally and in detail the state of researching and developing in-pipe miniature crawling robot for the purpose of giving the orientation, embodying the importance, researching direction of this problem and providing reference for the research of this topic. For the requirement of the subject, the program is presented for the subject , which compose stretching by the screw-driven, moving by the cam linkage-drive. All the static analyses of the purpose are made, and the moving velocity is calculated. A summary and analysis of the moving velocity of each moving part has been made.

       The in-pipe miniature crawling robot I designed comprise two stepper motors and a servo motor. The screws were driven by the two stepper motors, and the cam driven by the servo motor. All mechanical designs are done and moving velocities are checked with the help of Solidworks 2007 and AutoCAD 2004 software. The diameter of the robot ranging from 20 to 40mm and the length of the robot is 75mm, and it weights 200g. At last, kinematic simulations of each mechanism has been done by the COSMOS Motion software, which gives the relationship between the moving velocity and structural parameters of the robot. Simulations also show that the robot is applicable to pipes with diameter ranging from 20 to 40mm, and the motion of the robot is stable.

    Key words: Crawling; In-pipe; Robot; Kinematics simulation. 


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2 蠕动式管道机器人研究现状 1

    1.2.1 国外研究现状 1

    1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

    1.3 蠕动式管道机器人存在的不足 6

    1.4 本课题研究的主要内容 7

    第二章  蠕动式微型管道机器人总体方案设计

  1. 上一篇:串并联机床机构设计和运动仿真+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:solidedge计算机辅助专用钻削夹具参数化设计系统开发
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