



    Abstract Gas distribution mechanism is an important part of marine diesel engine, so the quality of it has a very important impact on diesel engine. Gas distribution cam is a key part to determine the performance of gas distribution. Its design is reasonable or not directly related to the diesel power performance, economic performance, emission performance, reliability and durability. Multidisciplinary optimization is developed rapidly in foreign countries in ninety times. It can solve the problem of large-scale complex engineering effectively. This article is chance with this, optimize the profile of cam.  

    The dynamic model of a diesel engine valve train is built, and then constructs the six power lift function of the push rod when it works on the basic segments. Good ventilation performance in the course of their work to ensure that the gas distribution agencies with the greatest fullness coefficient as the optimization objective, the largest positive and negative acceleration and minimum radius of curvature constraints, the application ISIGHT software integration of ADAMS, use NLPQL algorithm to optimize calculation, the optimization results derived in order to achieve the analysis of multi-disciplinary optimization of gas distribution cam.

    Keywords: multidisciplinary optimization, Valve cam, cam profile, the fullness coefficient NLPQL algorithm


    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 多学科优化设计的发展与现状 2

    1.3 配气机构动力学研究 4

    1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 5

    1.5 本章小结 6

    第2章  配气机构传统动力学分析 7

    2.1 配气凸轮的设计准则 7

    2.1.1 准确的配气相位 7

    2.1.2良好的换气性能 7

    2.1.3工作平稳,振动和噪声较小 8

    2.1.4挺柱与凸轮间的接触应力不宜过大 8

    2.2 配气机构动力学计算模型 11

    2.3 单自由度模型参数的确定 14

    2.4 配气凸轮基本段型线的分类及特点 16


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