

    毕业论文关键词:绞盘机  性能测试  电气原理图  PLC软件编程


    Title  Design and Implementation of Control System of   Hydraulic Winch Performance Platform                        


    The winch is widely used in industrial and agricultural field. First, the structure, working principle and main technical parameters of the winch are introduced in this paper. Then, the performance testing content of the winch, hydraulic principle and the constitution of test platform are presented in detail. Second, according to the controlling requirement of the hydraulic system of the winch performance testing platform, the overall scheme of the control system is given. And the electrical principle drawing of the system are completed with the help of Protel software. After that, the selection of the hardware and software of the control system are given according to the system requirement. At last, I/O definition of the system is given and the control program is completed by using SIEMENS's STEP7 software. 

    Keywords  Winch machine, Performance test, Electric principle diagram, PLC software programming

    目   次

    1  引言…  1

    1.1  绞盘机概述及主要技术参数… 1

    1.2  绞盘机的分类 2

    1.3  绞盘机的结构和组成  2

    1.4  液压绞盘机的工作原理…  3

    1.5  液压绞盘机性能测试内容  4

    1.6  绞盘机控制系统国内外研究状况… 5

    1.7  课题的研究意义… 8

    1.8  论文各章节内容安排  8

      2  绞盘机性能测试平台的控制系统的总体设计10

    2.1  液压绞盘机性能测试的基本步骤… 10

    2.2 试验台液压系统总图及工作原理 11

    2.3 液压绞盘及性能测试平台控制结构  12

    2.4 控制系统功能设计方案…  12

    2.5 控制系统功能面板示意图 13

    2.6 小结  14

    3  绞盘机性能测试平台的控制系统电气原理图…  15

    3.1 电气原理图特点  15

    3.2  性能测试平台控制系统强电电路… 15

    3.3  性能测试平台控制系统弱电电路… 16

    3.4 小结  18

    4  绞盘机性能测试平台控制系统的PLC编程 19

    4.1  PLC概述 19

    4.2  PLC控制系统设计… 19

    4.3  PLC控制系统的程序编制 25

    4.4  小结 34

    结论  35

    致谢  36


    1  引言

    1.1  绞盘机概述及主要技术参数

    1.1.1  绞盘机概述


    1.1.2  绞盘机主要技术参数

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