

    关键词  柔性飞网 导弹拦截 仿真 概率



    Title    The analysis and simulation of the interception     probability of flexible net


    The main purpose of this paper is aiming at the simulation and analysis of the interception probability of a flexible net,unlike the previous interception system  which probability is low and it dependent on high precision detection system ,which we call it "point to point" interception pattern. This paper puts forward a kind of "face to face" type of interception,which means on the basis of the determination of the missile flight trajectory,we can launch a flexible net to the battery. There is a certain amount of fighting on the Internet, which can explode the incoming missiles in the air. So as to achieve the protection of the established goals. According to the interception process,we can establish the corresponding interception model, through fully research the model and list the kinematics equation of the interception model,then a corresponding mathematical model is established.The main factors that influence the interception probability are simulated and analyzed by using MATLAB software and Monte Carlo method,so as to optimized the interception system.

    Keywords  flexible net  missile interception  simulation  probability


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景与意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2

    1.3课题研究的主要内容 5

    2 柔性飞网拦截系统 7

    2.1引言 7

    2.2 柔性飞网拦截系统综述 7

    2.3来袭目标(导弹)的运动学模型 9

    2.4拦截系统的数学模型 9

    2.5本章小结 14

    3 拦截概率的仿真计算与分析 15

    3.1蒙特卡罗法原理和特点 15

    3.2 仿真条件以及相关实验参数 15

    3.3拦截概率的误差分析 17

    3.4本章小结 23

    4 分析与展望 25

    4.1全文分析 25

    4.2全文展望 26

    结论 27

    致谢 28

    参考文献 29 

    1 绪论

    1.1 课题背景与意义


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