


    关键词  脉动喷气发动机  性能测试  实验台  数据分析  数值模拟


    Title    The Performance Test of Air-breathing Engine                     


    There is a great difference between pulse jet engine and traditional air-breathing engine. The thrust of pulse jet engine is generated by the intermittent gas with high temperature and pressure, which is yielded by pulse combustion. Thus the pulse jet engine has higher combustion efficiency, lighter structure weight and less pollution. All these benefits lead it to be a hopeful propulsion type.

    After analyzing the demand of experiment, a comprehensive engine experiment platform has been designed and put up for studying the performance of pulse jet engine. The platform consists of fuel supplying, infrared temperature measurement, combustion product analysis, transient pressure and ambient temperature measurement, engine bench, ignition system and data collection system, etc. After commissioning, the performance of the engine has been tested. The characteristics, such as the concentration of the combustion products, the gas temperature and pressure pulsation, are measured, and the pulsation rules of each parameters, when the engine starts and works stably, are concluded. In the end, the numerical simulation was carried out by using CFX to simulate the periodic pulse combustion of the valve type pulse jet engine.

    Keywords  pulse jet engine  performance test  experiment platform  data analysis    numerical simulation

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  脉动燃烧国内外研究概况 1

    1.2  脉动喷气发动机 3

    1.3  本文主要研究内容 5

    2  发动机综合性能实验台设计 7

    2.1  实验台总体 7

    2.2  子系统设计 9

    2.2.1  燃油供给子系统 9

    2.2.2  红外热像测温子系统 10

    2.2.3 燃烧产物分析子系统 11

    2.2.4  瞬态压力及平均温度测量子系统 12

    3  发动机综合性能实验台调试 15

    3.1  传感器标定 15

    3.2  测试软件应用 17

    3.2.1  测试软件简介 17

    3.2.2  测试软件标定与测量 18

    4  实验数据分析

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