

    毕业论文关键字: 光学检测,机械传动,三维工作台,CCD,特征识别

     英文摘要  This paper studies automatic optical inspection agency acquired two-dimensional image of the mechanical structure associated with design-related. In automatic optical inspection mechanism, we use mechanical drive work platform with CCD, collaborate on a two-dimensional image acquisition, the use of telecentric lenses, telecentric lens can use a certain object distance within the range, the resulting image magnification is not will change the characteristics of complete image acquisition, and image quality to ensure the collection, so that it can be analyzed in a computer program, a work platform need to be able to do three-dimensional movement, through C ++ 6.0 development environment to develop a system automatic control program, the precise coordinates of each control image acquisition. By controlling both the completion of the required image acquisition precise control. Captured images into late in the course of high-contrast black and white, to better discover flaws measured object, with black and white images, lighting conditions measured object, the color temperature is not considered, but the light intensity to be enough to meet the CCD low sensitivity can be obtained sufficient brightness image, CCD sensitivity is not too high, because in the high sensitivity CCD result in noise impact of computer program identifies the feature, in addition, the focal length of the lens should be controlled within a certain range avoid distortion affect the detection of computer programs. In the late computer analysis of the measured object, that image feature research, we calculated the theoretical analysis and related research and get the fractional Fourier transform correlation properties.                               


    摘要 2

    1绪论 1

    1.1课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2自动光学检测的各项技术与应用 2

    1.3国内外自动光学检测系统的发展概况 3

    1.4 课题的设计任务 4

    2总体设计方案 4

    2.1系统工作原理 4

    2.2系统总体机构设计 5

    2.2.1系统模块设计 5

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