
    摘要微纳卫星技术凭借其体积小、功率低、成本低等优势在通信、导航、对地观测等领域发挥着重要作用。2012年申请加入欧盟第七框架QB50项目,负责研制了一颗双单元立方星NJUST-1, 2015年9月,NJUST-1同其余49颗立方星由我国长征系列运载火箭发射入轨。42483



    关键词 立方星 太阳电池阵 多次展开 仿真


    Title    Design and simulation of deployable solar array  on cubesat                                      


    Micro-nano satellite plays an important role in areas such as communication、 navigation and earth observation with the advantage of small volume、low power consumption and low cost.In 2012, NJUST applied for joining in the EU QB50 project,responsible for a 2U Cubesat named NJUST-1, which was launched by Long March Rocket during September of 2015 together with the other 49 Cubesats. 

    With the the task of cubesat becoming more complex, once deployed solar array has been difficult to meet the needs of cubesat. Therefore, the development of high-power batteries to expand the array has become a key task of the development of cubesat. In this paper,we put forward a number of solar arrays unfold.in connection with the size of cubesat. On this basis, I have complete the detailed design of the hinge、the locking and release mechanism and panels, and finally completed the design solidworks assembly program as a whole.

    In order to verify the correctness and feasibility of the project,I carried out Kinematics simulation by the ADAMS ,which analyse of the angular velocity 、expansion time、stress and other data of hinge.

    Keywords  cubesat  solar array  simulation


    1  引言 1

    1.1  立方体纳卫星概述 1

    1.2  NJUST-1卫星介绍 3

    1.3  太阳能展开电池阵概述 7

    1.4  主要研究内容 13

    2  双单元立方星可展开太阳展开阵机构设计 14

    2.1  任务和功能 14

    2.2  电池展开阵的设计要求与难点 14

    2.3  压紧与释放机构选择 16

    2.4  驱动方式选择 16

    3  双单元立方星可展开太阳电池阵合页结构设计 17

    3.1  任务和功能 17

    3.2  合页的设计指标 18

    3.3  锁定方式的选择 18

    4  基于ADAMS的运动学仿真分析 23

    4.1  软件介绍 23

    4.2  仿真 23

    4.2.1  建立几何模型

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