
         2. The gait planning and gait analysis of a four legged bionic robot. The static stability of the robot is guaranteed by three points, and the stability of the robot is determined by calculating the static stability margin and dynamic stability margin SZMP of the robot.

         3. The mathematical model of the four legged bionic robot is established and the kinematics analysis is carried out. The positive solution of the kinematics equation is obtained. By using the method of D-H, the robot's coordinate system is designed, and the equation of motion of the foot is established, and the equations are solved.

         4.To carry out the trajectory planning of the foot end motion of a four legged robot. In Cartesian space, the trajectory is interpolated by three times, and the joint equations of each joint of the leg structure are obtained. The path planning of the foot end is carried out on time, the position of the path point and the corresponding time are set on the path, so that the joint angle equation between the point of the path can be obtained.

         5. In the SolidWorks 3D software of quadruped bionic robot is a virtual model and ADAMS software, in the simulation environment were virtual prototype simulation and analysis of simulation result from the foot end of the velocity and displacement, and carries on the analysis to the performance parameters, provide theoretical basis for the further design and research.

         6. Select the various components of the four legged bionic robot model and characteristics. Design and assemble parts of the robot.

    Keywords: four legged robot, bionic, walking analysis, kinematics, trajectory planning

     目   次

      1 引言 3

    1.1课题研究背景和意义 3

    1.2 机器人运动方式概述 3

    1.3 放生的概念 4

    1.4 国内外四足仿生机器人研究现状 4

    1.4.1 国外研究现状 4

    1.4.1 国内研究现状 9

    1.5 论文结构 10

    2 四足仿生机器人的腿部结构分析与运动研究 12

    2.1 四足机器人的仿生机构 12

    2.2 机器人腿部结构的设计要求及特点 14

    2.3 四足仿生机器人的步态规划 16

    2.3.1 步态规划及时序分析 16

    2.3.2 静态稳定性原理 16

    2.3.3 动态步态稳定性原理 18

    2.3.3 四足仿生机器人行走步态分析 19

    2.3.4 机器人的步态实现 21

    2.4 本章小结 22

    3四足仿生机器人运动学分析 24

    3.1 机器人的运动学分析 24

    3.1.1 机器人的位姿 24

    3.1.2 D-H 表示方法 25

    3.1.3 机器人的运动学方程 27

    3.2 四足仿生机器人的正运动学 27

    3.3 四足仿生机器人的逆运动学 30

    3.4 本章小结 34

    4四足仿生机器人的轨迹规划 35

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