    毕业论文关键字: 机器视觉,钻头质量,光学检测
    Design of bit quality inspection system based on image
    In the drilling operation, the quality of drill will directly affect and determine the drilling quality, thus affecting the product quality and production cost. Therefore, it is necessary to detection of new drill and after grinding drill surface shape, so as to ensure the quality of processed products. The task of this project is to design the automatic detection system to determine the shape of the cutting edge of the middle and small size drills. The research status of automatic optical inspection method and technology is analyzed and studied, the overall scheme of the system is determined, the analysis and design of detection system and mechanical structure system are analyzed and the structure diagram is drawn. The main content of this thesis is based on visual technology in small drill bit blade surface of the automatic optical detection methods of analysis and design, the overall design of the system, mechanical structure design, drive control design, general post data processing method. The diameter of the drill is in the range of 1mm~5mm, and the accuracy is 10um. In this paper, the most important part of the design of mechanical analysis, and the optical detection system is briefly described.
        Key words: Machine Version, Drill Quality, Optical Inspection                     
    1.    绪论    6
    1.1.    课题背景与意义    6
    1.2.AOI的各项技术及应用    7
    1.2.1.概述    7
    1.2.2.AOI的关键技术    8
    1.2.3.光源技术    8
    1.2.4.成像技术    8
    1.2.5.高速图像预处理技术    9
    1.2.6.图像处理及图形识别算法    9
    1.3.国内外、检测系统的发展概况    9
    1.4.课题任务和设计    10
    2.    总体设计方案    10
    2.1.系统工作原理    10
    2.2.系统总体机构设计    10
    2.3.检测系统的主要性能参数    11
    2.4.检测流程    11
    3.    机械结构设计计算    12
    3.1.水平方向机构设计计算    12
    3.1.1.概述    12
    3.2.竖直方向机构设计计算    14
    3.2.1.概述    14
    3.2.2.竖直电机选择    14
    3.2.3.竖直直线导轨的选择    15
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