    毕业论文关键词: 直线电机、数控系统、实训台、电气控制系统、电路图、PLC、
       The graduation design topic FA - SV - TS - L plate type linear motor training machine electrical control system design, is based on the current university mechanical professional students of deep the understanding of the numerical control lathe, the lack of practical experience, the design of project. We the design of numerical control practice brings together the characteristics of nc machining, and some basic circuit fault characteristics. In the nc training course has not yet universal, the design results has a certain value.
       Prophase of numerical control practice need to meet the technical requirements, determine the basic design idea, according to the basic data to calculate motor selection, according to the need to meet the control requirements, determine the control mode is controlled by PLC, according to the characteristics of the PLC and advantage to integrate choreography need to control the number of addresses, good control circuit design, but also to meet the student to the machine to operate convenient and quick, good man-machine interface set is quite necessary, so after a lot of reference and experience, the basic circuit of the system determines the PLC control.
    The arrangement and design of complex circuit diagram, a lot of information literature search and comparative advantages and characteristics of various circuit control, the final design and drawing
    Keywords: linear motor, CNC system, training table, electrical control systems, circuit diagram, PLC,
       引言    2
    一 数控机床简介    2
    1.1国外数控机床技术现状     2
    1.2国外机床数控系统技术现状     3
    1.3.国外数控系统的发展趋势4种类型     3
    1.4.电气控制系统简介    4
    二 主电路控制    5
    2.1主轴电机 - 主轴电机与伺服电机的区别     5
    2.1.1数控机床对进给伺服电机的要求主要为    5
    2.1.2对主轴电机的要求主要为    5
    2.2变频器    5
    2.3直线电机     6
    2.4关于散热的问题     7
    2.5电气控制图设计    8
    2.5.1主轴控制系统简介     8
    2.5.2步进电机的工作原理     9
    2.5.3 主轴电机启动    9
    三 进给驱动系统与检测系统    10
    3.1伺服电机     10
    3.1.1伺服电机的特点     10
    3.1.2 交流伺服电机    10
    3.2同步电机     11
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