    毕业论文关键字:  钛合金加工;专用刀具设计;刀柄设计;涂层处理
    The design on machining titanium and special coating tool
    Abstract:This topic for the design on machining titanium alloy and special coating tool. Reviewed based on the performance of titanium alloy and the development present situation at home and abroad reviewed,to understand the overall level of titanium alloy processing and using at home and abroad.According to the actual situation to design and process the rough machining parts,design the tool in the process of parts processing need to use.The whole design process, first of all, is to carry on the design of parts processing technology design,including the selection of blank, the processing plan formulation and processing process.The second is the tool of parts used in the manufacturing process of design, calculation and analysis, including the type of tool, the size of the cutter, cutting parameters and size.The whole design scheme of the choice of cutting parameters and size part is set according to the national standard,most of the rest is reference to Nagoya precision tool co., LTD., the actual processing of cutting parameters to set.Machine tools are used by reference to the company used in actual machine design.
    Key Words:Machining Titanium;Special Tool Design;Fixture Design;Handle Design Coating
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  钛合金简介    1
    1.2  钛合金的分类    1
    1.3  选题背景    2
    1.4  发展趋势     3
    1.4.1  我国发展现状    3
    1.4.2  国外发展现状    4
    2 设计思路概述    5
    2.1  零件毛坯的设定    5
    2.2  零件加工工艺选择    6
    2.2.1  Φ20中心孔粗加工    6
    2.2.2  车上、下平面与Φ95圆形槽    7
    2.2.3  铣凸台、钻Φ12孔    7
    2.2.4  加工沉头孔    8
    2.2.5  精加工Φ20孔、插键槽    8
    2.3  零件加工工艺选择    10
    2.3.1  Φ20中心孔粗加工    10
    2.3.2  车上、下平面与Φ95圆形槽    11
    2.3.3  铣凸台、钻Φ12孔    12
    2.3.4  加工沉头孔    13
    2.3.5  精加工Φ20孔、插键槽    13
    2.4  刀具切削参数的设定与计算    14
    2.4.1  切削钛合金时刀具几何参数的选择原则    14
    2.4.2  切削钛合金时刀具切削用量的选择原则    14
    2.4.3  钻头刀具切削参数的设定与计算    15
    ①  对于Φ9的麻花钻    15
    ②  对于Φ10的麻花钻    16
    ③  对于Φ20的抛光钻    17
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