    Experimental Design of Effect of Cutting Depth on Time-domain Characteristic of Tool Three-dimensional Vibration
    【Abstract】:Because vibration occurs in the turning process,and vibration makes the surface of workpieces appear chatter and reduces the quality of workpiece surface and the tool life.So it is important to study the turning vibration.Using numerical control machine,vibration signal acquisition,vibration signal analysis software and piezoelectric three-acceleration sensor build the test system then carried out turning test,studying the effect of turning depth on vibration characteristics of time domain to tool three.Research shows that:(1)Given the spindle speed and feed rate,with the increase of cutting depth,radial,tangential and axial direction of turning vibration acceleration of three tools are similar among each other;(2)Given the spindle speed and feed rate,with turning depth from 0.3mm to 0.8 mm,the maximum of vibration acceleration of three tools increases first and then decreases,and in turning depth 0.5mm,the maximum of turning vibration acceleration is larger and vibration is more intense;(3)Compared with the other spindle speeds,in the spindle speed 1600r/min,the average value of turning vibration acceleration of the primary wear tool is always negative and the turning depth has a greater impact on mean curve;(4)When the spindle speed is 800r/min,the average value of turning vibration acceleration of the severely worn cutter is always negative,and the turning depth has less effect on that.
    【Keywords】:Turning;Tool three-dimensional vibration;Cutting depth;Time domain analysis;Experimental study
    摘要    1
    1 绪论    3
    1.1研究意义    3
    1.2研究现状    3
    1.3研究内容    5
    1.4研究方法和技术路线    5
    2 振动理论与测试基础    7
    2.1机械振动原理    7
    2.2机械振动分类及其特点    7
    2.3振动测量参数    7
    2.4振动测量传感器与放大器    8
    2.4.1惯性测振传感器    8
    2.4.2非接触式传感器    8
    2.4.3传感器的选择原则    8
    2.4.4选取传感器    9
    2.4.5常用的测振放大器    12
    2.5  振动信号采集仪    12
    2.6振动信号时域分析理论    13
    2.6.1时域统计分析    14
    2.6.2直方图分析    15
    2.6.3时域相关分析    17
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