    快速成型制造技术,可直接用于CAD模型的产品开发,制造工具和制造模具以及功能部件。掩模固化(SGC)技术中的快速成型技术, 适合建立多种不同零部件的快速成型样机几何尺寸的批量生产,其成本降至最低。 然而,平面CAD模型环境的布局是费时的。 由于树脂的成本高, 一批SGC的业务在任何工业环境中的布局模式是成功的关键。 本论文利用模拟退火布局优化技术。开发一个软件系统是为了协助前部分进行各种型号的CAD几何形状的布置。 STL系统接受来自任何实体造型环境的信息。下面提供几个例子来说明技术的有效性。6374
    New socket meter and the set of rapid prototyping
    Abstract: with the development of economy, appliance to keep pace with The Times and renewal, which requires the link with the product with pace of change new, socket is people’s life use frequency is highest terminal power supply one of the devices, and more and more of the household appliances through the connected power supply, With a large number of electrical appear and development, such a connected power way will produce a lot of security problems, Socket is people’s life use frequency is highest terminal power supply one of devices, and more and more of the household appliances through the connected power supply.
    Since most users do not have relevant electrical knowledge, so its design, construction level directly affect people’s life and property safety, should pay much attention, For socket products, consumer is the more concerned factors is the price quality brand appearance, finally is material. Our country socket industry due to the technical level and the supervision and administration of the lack of means, which at present the whole industry management chaos, make the socket product price system highly specification.
    Rapid prototyping technologies are capable of directly manufacturing physical objects from CAD models and have been increasingly used in product development, tool and die making and fabrication of functional parts. Solid ground curing (SGC) technology, one of the rapid prototyping technologies, is suitable of  building multiple parts with different geometry and dimensions in batch production of rapid prototypes to minimize the cost of prototypes. However, the layout of CAD models in a graphic environment is time-consuming. Because of high cost of the resin, the layout of models in a batch is critical for the success of the SGC operations in any industrial environment. This paper presents the layout optimization using simulated annealing techniques. A software system was developed to assist Cubital operators to layout CAD models with various geometric shapes. The system accepts STL files from any solid modeling environment. Several examples are provided to illustrate the techniques and effectiveness of the approach.
    Key words: Socket; safety; Rapid prototyping 
    第一章 课题研究的背景及意义1
    1.1 插座设计背景1
    1.2 快速成型的发展历史1
    1.3 新型插座设计的意义2
    1.3.1 各国插座设计标准2
  1. 上一篇:磁吸式搬运机械手设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:住宅电源插座设计
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