
     General Illustration
    The task of graduation design is to design reference to the production process of low pressure boiler tube for manufacturers, to install the necessarily assistant equipment, and meanwhile, to specifically assign the equipment in the factory area of Bao Steel Tube Co., Ltd. Main products are low pressure boiler tube with finished size of Φ 35×4mm, and product standards is GB/T3087-2008.This product have a large market, but little domestic manufacturers is able to product. Bao Steel Tube Co., Ltd., a senior domestic manufacturers of steel pipes, has mature technology and production capacity. The significance of this design is to cultivate their independent ability to complete the design process and can provide a reference to the production of this product.
    The seamless tube has a broad variety of production, by comparison,the production of cold drawing seamless tube takes the process of hot rolling + cold drawing. Because of the small wall reducing quantity, we use this mode of production. By forming to produce size in the part of hot rolling and then producing the diameter tube and thickness of the tube in cold drawing.
    Hot-roll production equipment in Bao Steel Tube Co., Ltd. are used in the part of hot rolling, pided into the perforation equipment and pipe mill. Perforation equipment takes the latest 114 skew machine in BaoSteel Tube Co., Ltd., with the species puncher roll angle and crushed rolling forward angle. First, boring a hole to Φ102.07×10.23mm, then it can be rolling in the second step. Tapered roller diameter along the direction of perforation exports gradually increases, which causes high efficiency of puncher piercing and Improves metal deformation and kinematic conditions. It also can roll out the capillary with internal fewer defects, surface quality and concentricity thickness uniformity, lead to less consumption of tools, and can achieve great extension and the expanding volume of perforation. Second, rolling the pipe to Φ92×6.5mm.Pipe Mill use Diesher mill for capillary extension. The main characteristic is tapered rolls and large guide disk. The unit production is very flexible, which can product many kinds of goods. The precision of the size is high. It has a great market potential. During making process systems, a set of deformation system, heating system, rolling speed system and rolling rhythm should be decided, simultaneously parameters of the calculation of the maximum pressure and rolling moment, checking biting, roll strength and motor ability.
    Cold drawing process use short sunk drawing and empty drawing. It is a total of six steps. The finished product is a tube of Φ35×4mm. Cold-roll production equipment in Bao Steel Tube Co., Ltd. are used in the part of cold rolling. The types are LB-40, LB-15 and LB-10.The support process after drawing has the important effect on the quality of pipe, including Hammering, pipe pickling, heat treatment, such as lubrication.
    Then we use the 3Dmax to drawing graphics, and use the Deform to simulate the whole process. By comparing the result, the plan can be practiced.
    Finally, the technical and economic indicators should be decided to determine the hours of productivity, work time, Yield, effective working hours and staffing.Through check and states that calculation of the design is feasible.
    Through this low pressure boiler tube design of the curriculum design, I mastered the professional knowledge, and also follow the principle of seeking truth from facts. Though in the process of designing around a lot of mistakes, but through these mistakes let me be more specific understanding integrity of the entire production process of seamless steel pipe, also training independent thinking and problem-solving abilities.
    Key Words: seamless tube; hot rolling; cold drawing; low pressure boiler tube; process design

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