       机器人与通用的 CO2气体保护焊机配套进行焊接性能测试实验。实验结果表明,焊接机器人能实现焊缝的匀速自动焊接,焊缝成形良好、效率高,控制系统运行准确、可靠,焊接机器人控制系统总体技术方案合理,工作性能稳定。6314
    The soldering is one of the most important in the modern manufacturing technology, to improve the stability and reliability of the welding quality is crucial. Limited to the economic and technical reasons, the basic welding production operations in China or manual operation, to change this situation the only way is the use of automatic welding technology, welding robots instead of workers welding operation automation tools.
    Three degrees of freedom in the welding robot welding robot as research object, according to its technological requirements, developed an excellent welding quality, high reliability, versatility, easy to operate, low-cost three-degree-of-freedom arc welding robot.
    The main contents are as follows:
     Welding robot technology status and development trend.
    Analysis of the welding process process requirements to clear three degrees of freedom welding robot control system design the overall objective of the program.
    In accordance with the industrial computer + motion controller "program, set up the hardware structure of the control system. Computer programming language developed motion control system software.
    Robot with a common CO2 gas shielded welding machine supporting welding performance test. Experimental results show that the welding robot can achieve uniform weld automatic welding, weld, high efficiency, and control the operation of the system is accurate, reliable, welding robot control system overall technical program, stable performance.
    Keywords: welding robots, CO2 welding, the motion controller, the control system.
    目  录
    第一章  绪论   1
      1.1  国内外焊接机器人技术的应用现状与发展趋势  1
        1.1.1 工业机器人的发展历程   1
        1.1.2 焊接机器人的应用现状   2
        1.1.3 焊接机器人技术的研究现状   3
        1.1.4 焊接机器人技术的发展趋势   6
      1.2 课题的研究意义   8
        1.2.1 课题的提出   8
        1.2.2 课题的研究意义   9
        1.2.3 课题研究的主要内容   9
    第二章  三自由度焊接机器人控制系统的设计     10
      2.1 引言   10
      2.2 控制系统方案设计   10
        2.2.1 三自由度焊接机器人控制要求   10
        2.2.2 控制系统的功能要求   10
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