    [摘 要]在近年来国内外各种公众建筑中,网壳结构得到了相当广泛的应用。伴随着大跨度空间结构需求的增加,建筑物表面材料势必要往轻型方向发展,从而导致该类结构风荷载敏感度大大增加,故对类似于单层球面网壳结构进行风振响应分析是很有实际应用价值的。38057
    [毕业论文关键词] 网壳、参数化建模、风振响应分析、ANSYS、APDL
     The parameterized modeling and wind-induced vibration of single-layer spherical reticulated shell based on the ANSYS
    In recent years, the reticulated shell structure has been quite widely used in various public buildings at home and abroad. With the growing demand for the spatial structure with large span, building surface will be bound to the development of lightweight materials, which lead to increased sensitivity to wind load of this kind of structure such as single-layer spherical reticulated shell. So it is very necessary to carried out the wind vibration response analysis on the reticulated shell structure.
    At first, in this paper, we use the APDL language to establish the finite element model of single-layer spherical reticulated shell based on beam188 unit. We can observe the structure deformation and get the data information about node displacement by the structural static analysis which were applying external load. In addition, the axial force diagram and bending moment diagram and shear force diagram which were gained from post-processing all can present the related link deformation. After the action of the modal analysis without any outside load, we are able to determine the structure of the natural frequencies and modal characteristics. On this basis, we provide reference data for engineering design to avoid structure resonance and determine structure reinforcement points at the same time. Finally, based on the modal analysis, we can get the parameters such as displacement, velocity and acceleration of all nodes. We can compare and analysis and discuss these data under wind vibration response by time-domain analysis and frequency domain analysis which have carried on the structure.
    Keywords: reticulated shell、 parametric modeling、wind-induced vibration analysis、ANSYS、APDL
    [摘 要]    I
    Abstract    II
    前言    1
    第一章 绪论    2
    1.1空间网壳结构的应用与发展    2
    1.1.1网壳结构发展    2
    1.1.2空间网壳结构的应用    3
    1.2网壳结构风振研究现状    4
    1.2.1风振研究重要性    4
    1.2.2网壳结构抗风研究现状    4
    1.3研究问题的提出及意义    4
    1.4研究目的和主要内容    4
    1.4.1研究目的    4
    1.4.2主要内容    5
    第二章 单层球面网壳设计方法基础    6
    2.1有限元法简介    6
    2.2ANSYS软件简介及APDL语言    6
    2.2.1大型通用有限元软件ANSYS    6
    2.2.2ANSYS参数化设计语言——APDL    6
    2.3球面网壳几何描述    7
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