    Design of pneumatic component sorting system
    Abstract: Automatic sorting system is one of the necessary facilities for the advanced distribution center.. It has a very high sorting efficiency, usually can be sorted 6000-12000 box every hour, can be said that the automatic sorting machine is a key factor to improve the efficiency of logistics distribution. It is after the Second World War in the United States, Japan, the logistics center is widely used in the automatic sorting system, the system has become developed countries large and medium-sized logistics center is an indispensable part of.
    Automatic sorting machine is a main equipment of automatic sorting system.. It requires short construction is 40-50 meters, long 150-200 meters of mechanical transmission lines and supporting electromechanical integration control system, computer network and communication system, etc., this system not only covers an area of large area, but also to build 3-4 storeys high warehouse and a variety of automated handling facilities (such as forklift) and the matching, the huge initial investment, usually need to spend 10-20 years to recover.
    The sorting system designed in this paper is the sorting system for plastic caps.
    The main content of the curriculum design is design a to automatic sorting diameter is less than or equal to 30 mm, the height is not more than 15mm, quality is not greater than 100 grams of plastic bottle of gas dynamic system, the requirements of bottle cap according to the specific sequence (caps to or bottle mouth downward) transferred to the specified location (capping machine) can be, does not meet the requirements of bottle cap can make it back to the barrel.
    Keywords: sorting, pneumatic, reducer, tongue Andante
    1.绪论    6
    1.1自动分拣机的简介    6
    1.2自动分拣机的种类    6
    1.2.1挡板式分拣机    6
    1.2.2浮出式分拣机    7
    1.2.3滑块式分拣机    8
    1.2.4倾斜式分拣机    8
    1.2.5托盘式分拣机    10
    1.3课程设计的技术要求:    11
    1.4课题的设计背景及意义    11
    2.塑料瓶盖分拣系统方案拟定    12
    2.1各种传动方式的特点    12
    2.1.1机械传动    12
    2.1.2电气传动    12
    2.2出盖方式    12
    2.2.1通过离心力的作用实现出盖    12
    2.2.2通过振动形式实现出盖    12
    2.3理盖方式    13
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