    Design of Small Universal Robot Control System
    Abstract:Currently the most widely robot practical application of automated machinery and equipment in the field of robotics, and medical treatment, industrial manufacturing, entertainment services, semiconductor, military, manufacturing and other areas of space exploration can see its shadow. Despite their morphology vary, but they all have one common characteristic, that is able to accept instruction, precisely positioned to carry out operations at a point three (or two-dimensional) space. In this paper, the design of the control system with six degrees of freedom of a small general-purpose robot, the robot arm is six degrees of freedom based on a single study design is its control system.  Firstly, applications and trends for robots were introduced, a detailed analysis of the research and development of domestic and foreign robot.
      Firstly, applications and trends for robots were introduced, a detailed analysis of the research and development of domestic and foreign robot.
      Second thesis demonstrate the robot control program, select the appropriate control, the control system is determined. Then configure the hardware of the control system according to the control requirements, design their software After the hardware configuration.
    Finally, the design of the control system installation and commissioning, complete control system.
    Keywords: The robot arm; six degrees of freedom; Control System.
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 选题背景    2
    1.3课题研究的意义    2
    1.4 文献综述    2
    2 机器人控制系统方案的设计    5
    2.1 控制系统的选型    6
    2.2 PLC类型的选择    6
    3 控制系统的硬件配置    7
    3.1 确定控制对象    7
    3.2 机器人的控制面板    10
    3.3 I/O点的分配    10
    3.4 PLC选型及配置    14
    4 控制过程    19
    4.1交流伺服电机及伺服驱动器的介绍    21
    4.2 上位机与伺服驱动器的连接    22
    4.3 程序编制    26
    5.总结    34
    致谢    34
    参考文献    35
    1 绪论
    1.1 课题介绍
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