    Car seat pin shaft clamping device design
    Abstract:This paper introduces the car seat pin shaft clamping device design content. This paper in detail introduces the car seat pin shaft clamping device、Designing Backgrounds、enabled function、 the design concept and train of thought of each part. Mainly from the car seat pin shaft clamping device to be presented by the function the aspects of working principle of the main body structure design, made a detailed introduction of the design. On the plan design, from the Angle of the actual use, analysis and comparison on three schemes, ultimately determine the optimal solution. Upon completion of the scheme is determined, on the device structure design. And to realize the role of the main components the design results display and highlighted the additional instructions. In the car seat pin maintenance aspects of the clamping device, We consider the part of the easy wearing parts replacement treatment, and so on and so forth, ameliorate working conditions, improved design scheme,Efforts to plant for the design and use of cost to a minimum.
    Key Word: clamping device; turn up; synchronization

    目  录
    2015届本科生毕业设计(论文)    1
    目  录    3
    汽车座椅销轴夹紧装置设计    1
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.1.1 结构设计背景    1
    1.1.2 传动机构背景    1
    1.1.3 自动化背景    1
    1.2 选题意义    5
    1.3 国内外发展概况    6
    1.3.1 汽车座椅生产在国内发展概况    6
    1.3.2 汽车座椅生产在国外发展概况    6
    2 关于汽车座椅销轴    7
    2.1 汽车座椅销轴的工作位置    7
    2.2 汽车座椅销轴的作用    7
    2.3 汽车座椅销轴的影响    7
    2.3.1 汽车座椅销轴对座椅功能的影响    7
    2.3.2 汽车座椅销轴对使用者安全的影响    7
    2.4 夹紧装置现状    7
    2.4.1 自动化程度    7
    2.4.2 产品生产质量    8
    2.5 问题分析    8
    3 设计方案选择    8
    3.1 可行方案    8
    3.1.1 方案一:一端固定分序翻边    8
    3.1.2 方案二:无固定两边同时翻边    9
    3.1.3 方案三:均固定两边同时翻边    10
    3.2 方案优缺点分析    11
    3.2.1 方案一优缺点    11
    3.2.2 方案二优缺点    11
    3.2.3 方案三优缺点    11
    3.3 方案对比    12
    3.3.1 方案一与方案二对比    12
    3.3.2 方案一与方案三对比    12
    3.3.3 方案二与方案三对比    12
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