    摘要:机器人技术日新月异,正在朝着人性化、情感化、表情化的方向发展 ,未来的智能机器人将能够与人类自然、和谐、友好的共存和交流。仿人头像机器人及人工情感的研究涉及机器人学以及人类心理学、行为科学、人像艺术等多门科学,其研究将进一步丰富和发展机器人学,因此本文的研究具有深远的科学意义。35858
    Design of Human Robot Interaction
    Abstract: Robot technology changes, with each passing day, are moving in the direction of humanity,emotional and expressional Intelligent robots, int the future,will be able to coexist and communicate with human nature harmoniously and kindly,Humanoid robots and artificial emotion research involved subjects like :robotics,human psychology, behavioral science and portrait art.The study will further enrich and develop robotics,so this article research has profound scientific significance.
    When people use robots,if a robot can observe the facial expression, natural language,body posture of human,and the characteristics of the keyboard and mouse, in order to identify adn understand the emotion of human, then through some images,text voice etc. To make intelligent and friendly response ,producing a vivid and real environment.the one who use the robot will feel effective and kind,truly build a harmonious environment between human and robots.
    This paper is a textual interpretation and mainly discuss the rational design of the facial expressions and the mechanical structure of a humanoid head of robot. Using SolidWorks to modeling and simulation the structure ,verify the feasibility of the design of the humanoid head,And start the simulation experiment of the movement of facial organs and expressions.
    Key words:Structure of humanoid robot;Facial expression simulation.
    一丶绪论    1
    1、本课题研究的目的及意义    1
    二、课题调研    2
    2.1. 国外研究现状:    2
    2.2. 国内研究现状:    3
    三丶移动机器人的人机交互头部设计要求    5
    3.1 人脸面部表情分析    5
    3.2 头部运动和面部器官运动分析    6
    3.3面部表情研究    6
    3.4 移动机器人的面部表情实现方法    7
    四丶移动机器人的人机交互单元设计    7
    4.1 本课题方案    7
    4.2 移动机器人的头部结构设计    11
    五丶移动机器人的人机交互方法研究    18
    5.1情感的心理学基础    18
    5.2 情感的文度与两极性    19
    5.3 人工情感模型    21
    5.4 表情机器人视觉系统和听觉(语音)系统    21
    751丶机器人的情感交互设计功能验证    22
    6.1 颈部设计功能验证    22
    6.2摆头模块的功能验证    23
    6.3摇头模块的功能验证    23
    6.4 眼部设计的功能验证    24
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