    The design for the crank rod system of a Emery wheel machine repaired and projector
    Abstract:Hard alloy is high hardness of infusible metal carbide powder for main components microns,Nickel or cobalt in molybdenum as binder,In a vacuum furnace sintering furnace or hydrogen reduction of powder metallurgy products。Hard alloy used to make drilling tools, mining tools, drilling tools, measuring tools, measuring tools, wearing parts, metal cylinder liner, precision bearings and nozzle, etc. Because of the extensive application of carbide, to trim carbide grinding wheel is increasing. Diamond grinding wheel is energy-saving and environmental protection products, the use of safe, simple operation, can significantly improve the production efficiency and product quality, reduce cost, manufacturing time very easily accepted by operators. With the development of industry, more and more carbide processing parts, thus to trim carbide cutting tools will depend on the emery wheel to processing.  As the groove of the drill out, the manufacturing, canned rebar with emery wheel etc are needed to process, especially the processing of arc workpiece with its best carbide method is to use the same emery wheel with circular arc to processing. I study is emery wheel repairing the crank rod system and the design of the projector system .
    Keywords :  steel wheel;Crank rod system
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题设目的及意义    1
    1.2  金刚砂轮修整机的简介    1
          1.2.1金刚砂轮简介    2
          1.2.2金刚砂轮修整的用途    2
    2  课题目标及要求    3
    2.1  设计目的与要求    3
    2.2  技术要求及参数    3
    2.3  主要组成    4
    3  往复运动方案的设计    4
    3.1  曲柄连杆机构    4
    3.2  曲柄连杆机构的设计计算    5
      3.2.1曲柄长度的计算    5
      3.2.2行程速比系数    7
      3.2.3设计说明    7
    4  带传动设计    7
    4.1  带传动简介    7
    4.2  带传动类型    8
    4.3  带传动设计计算    8
    5  轴承部    10
    5.1  轴承的选用    10
    6  投影仪部分    11
    6.1  投影仪简介    11
    6.2  投影仪夹板的设计    13
      6.2.1夹板的设计要求    13
      6.2.2夹板强度计算    14
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